It has sometimes been said that aging is inevitable, but that looking old is optional! Although we all age, we deal with it in different ways, with different results. So what are some of the secrets of those enviable people who manage to look far younger than their years?
Turn that frown upside down to avoid wrinkles and lines. Try to frown less and don’t furrow your brow. If you notice yourself frowning often, it may be time to think of a way to break the habit. You can eventually break the habit.
Here’s a quick way to slow down the aging process; quit smoking. If you are a smoker you’ve heard it all your life, but it’s just as true now. Smoking is a huge contributor to how old your skin looks. Plus it also reduces your life span as well. It is never to late to quit, so talk with your doctor about steps to take to put out the butts for good.
Spend time with people from many different generations. This can be with your family, your friend’s families or even at a school assembly. There are many different kinds of events that will allow you to interact with these many generations that you can learn many new and exciting things from.
Staying properly hydrated has never been more important to you than now! Aging is hard on the body and providing it with plenty of water will help flush toxins, bring nutrients to cells, hydrate skin and make it easier on every function of your body! Most experts recommend about eight glasses of water each day, so drink up for healthier aging!
Exercise your brain. Strive to learn something new everyday. Keeping the brain active also keeps it healthy, sharp and alert. It sounds crazy, but if you stop working this precious organ, you may just forget how to use it. If you’re not sure how to keep it active, buy a book of brainteasers and solve them all.
Start making a will. Death is a topic people don’t like to talk about, but it is inevitable. When you feel ready, begin preparing your will and final papers so that your family knows how you would like things to be handled after you pass on. This will also make sure that there are not any family fights and disagreements later on.
Keep on dancing. Regular physical exertion increases oxygen flow to the brain and strengthens cells by releasing necessary protein. Older adults who remain physically active are much less likely to develop dementia and similar diseases, and dance is a wonderful way to keep moving. If you have a swimming pool, aquatics can also be effective.
As people age, muscle tone is compromised naturally. If you have jiggly skin between your elbows to armpits you will want to try to tone that area before it is too late to do anything about it. Getting rid of this type of flab can be done using very light weights and modified push ups.
If you are planning on going out with friends, one of the things that you should do is limit your alcohol intake. Alcohol will make you dehydrated, which will cause you to look much older. Try to stick to water or fruit drinks when you go out to improve how you feel and increase your life span.
So, you have been looking in the mirror? Wanting to look younger and feel good? This will give you motivation you need. Improve your body mass index by shedding off a few unwanted pounds in the upcoming month. Keep a positive mindset, and improve your outlook on life at the same time!
Make sure you compile a list of medications you currently take, and keep it with you. If you use several pharmacies, this is of particular importance. This list will let pharmacists cross-reference your medicine for side effects and interaction warnings.
If you want to live longer and lead a healthy life, get out and walk. The guide to walking is to walk five thousand to ten thousand steps on a daily basis. Get an inexpensive pedometer to keep track of your steps and get out and walk. You don’t have to be an experienced marathon runner to enjoy the benefits of good health.
As you get older, it is essential to choose friends who maintain a positive attitude. Unhappy people will make you feel unhappy too. If you surround yourself with laughter and love, you will never feel as old as the numbers indicate. This theory extends to family members as well; if there is a person who always makes you feel bad when you are around them, try to spend less time in their presence.
One good anti-aging agent to keep your skin looking its best is avocado oil. Avocado oil penetrates deeply to moisturize and tone stressed skin. It also has a high level of sterolins, and this has been proved to help reduce age spots.
If you are trying to stay young or just age gracefully you should watch your diet. It is best to try to consume at least 3 whole grains and 5 servings of fresh fruits or vegetables in a day. This will keep you healthy and happier while you are aging.
In order to protect your skin from the effects of aging, be sure that you have plenty of Vitamin A and Vitamin C in your diet. If you eat plenty of fresh produce you should be getting enough. Both of these vitamins help to prevent wrinkles. If you think that you do not get enough of these vitamins from what you eat, you ask at your health store about quality vitamin supplements.
If your goal is to age gracefully and with dignity, it is our hope that the contents of this article have been helpful to you. You are, after all, only as old as you feel! So if you still feel young at heart, let that reflect in how you look!